“I got great assistance and support from the program which has renewed my self-confidence.” ~ Margaret
WIN Work Involvement Now
Following completion of her five-year Bachelor of Science degree in Architecture at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Margaret enjoyed a career as an Architect. For the next 30 years, Margaret worked for Target, at Marriott’s corporate headquarters and several prominent architectural firms in Minneapolis, Dallas, and Houston. After a layoff, she worked as an interior designer for Home Depot for five years while applying and being approved for social-security
benefits. She then worked as a non-profit volunteer for the next decade, including serving as Board Chair for Habitat for Humanity of West Central MN. For the past six years, with the assistance of WCI, she has returned to work part-time in her retirement for a number of local retail and merchandising operations, and currently for
the City of Willmar.
As a participant in WCI’s (Work Community
Integration) WIN (Work Involvement Now) program, Margaret was able to overcome her procrastination, and with word-smithing assistance, update her resume and regain her confidence in connecting with people again. She credits the program with assistance in applying and interviewing for regular part-time work in the community, and for support at work including suggestions for discussing work-related issues and challenges with her bosses. WIN offers employment services for persons with mental health conditions who have encountered barriers to employment.
Find out more by calling: West Central Industries