Our Mission
We support people of all ages in finding hope and recovery.
Our Values
Willingness: We do what it takes
Knowledge: We seek to understand, learn and grow
Leadership: We inspire change
Client-Centered: We individualize wellness strategies for clients
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI): We believe in empowering each person's unique journey toward well-being, reducing disparities, and fostering an inclusive workplace.

Woodland Centers is a private, nonprofit community mental health center.
Woodland Centers was established in 1958. We serve seven rural counties in west central Minnesota - Chippewa, Big Stone, Kandiyohi, Lac qui Parle, Meeker, Renville, and Swift - with offices in each of those counties. Our main office is located in Willmar. We are proud to be celebrating 60 years of providing high quality mental health services in our communities.
Scholarship for Students in Behavioral Sciences
Each year the Eugene R. Bonynge family and Woodland Centers sponsor a $1000 scholarship award for a graduate student in the behavioral sciences. Please click below to download the information and application.