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Providing Hope. Inspiring Change.

You're not alone. There are people who understand and can help you find the care that you need and build a life worth living. Know that you matter and deserve to be happy!

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Direct Support

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Are you struggling with mental illness but not sure how to access help?

You are not alone! This is one of the most common reasons for not seeking help. Don’t let the fear and stigma of reaching out for help, depression and anxiety, or lack of resources, stop you from getting the needed health services to improve your life and achieve your future goals.

Mental Health and Substance Use Services

Woodland Centers offers a full array of services for people of all ages.

Adult Mental Health

We help instill hope that change and recovery is possible

Youth Mental Health

We offer an array of
youth services


Services to effectively address a variety of needs.


Psychiatric professionals are a core aspect of treatment.

We’re Here to Help You Reach Your Personal & Wellness Goals

man walking on hiking trail

Increase Health & Wellness

Mind, body, and spirit connection – you must address all three to be healthy. There is no health without mental health.

group idea session

Learn Daily Skills

Learn and use daily skills and tools to reduce and at times eliminate symptoms of mental illness.

business woman with laptop

Live a Value Based Life

Achieve your goals and live a value based life. You’ll able to be successful and feel accomplished. Find joy, mindfulness and balance in daily life.

Serving Seven Minnesota Counties

Woodland Centers provides Mental Health and Substance Use therapy and programs through a continuum of behavioral health services in the following counties. Our staff consist of educated and trained mental health and substance use providers.

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Get Resources

Helping those in need get access to
resources in the community and build
a much needed support system.

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Find Solutions

Assisting families in coming together
to find solutions by building bridges
for those in need.

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Save Lives

Assisting those who need to find
meaning and hope.

We understand your struggles.
There is always hope for recovery.

It's Easy to Get Help

Schedule an appointment

Schedule an appointment or access our 24/7 crisis services (mobile or residential).

Create a Treatment Plan

Your treatment plan includes goals, objectives and interventions.

Work Together to Achieve Your Goals

We work on your goals in the treatment plan each day until we reach success.

Offering Hope, Care & Support

Latest News

December Newsletter 2023

Message from Dr. Ashley Kjos, CEO As we approach the close of another transformative year, I am filled with gratitude and a profound sense of…


Program for the Evaluation and Enrichment of Relational Skills. PEERS for Adolescents is a 16-week program that’s totally worth bragging about! It’s the perfect recipe…

WIN Success Story

“I got great assistance and support from the program which has renewed my self-confidence.”             ~ Margaret WIN Work Involvement Now…

Join Our Email List for:

Monthly Mental Health Tips & Quarterly Newsletter

Woodland Centers is an approved site by the National Health Service Corp for loan forgiveness to our clinicians.

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Help is available 24/7. Call the Crisis phone line at 1-800-432-8781
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